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moullae is a family run business specializing in natural therapies and producing  eco-friendly, natural products in the picturesque adelaide hills, south australia.
headed by a qualified naturopath, the moullae collection family is passionate about the health and well-being of individuals and the environment.

our services include naturopathic consults, qi gong classes taught by a certified Qi gong instructor and quality tailored made skin care.

our hand crafted products are the perfect way to indulge and celebrate you whilst ensuring your every day necessities support your health, well-being and the planet we live on.

our skin is our largest organ and has the ability to absorb the products we chose to place on it. our advice - choose wisely!! read ingredient lists on your skin and personal care products just as you would for the food you consume. become aware of what you are placing on that skin of yours.

natural. ethical. sustainable.

we use the freshest of ingredients mother nature supplies us and absolutely do not believe or agree with animal testing. we support vegan friendly and chemical free products. we choose organic and fair-trade whenever possible. we always say no to palm oil (think about it - how did those "sustainable" plantations get there in the first place with more and more appearing with the increased demand of "sustainable" palm oil......)

love you.

love this planet.



disclaimer: whilst all care has been taken to design these earth and body friendly products we acknowledge everyone has different needs, body types and are in fact, totally unique. any health advice or suggestions taken from this page are general in nature and all health concerns must be treated or under the care of a suitable health care practitioner.